Thursday, April 21, 2011

Need your Help all my Friends keke =)

Friends keke need your help =)
i have join a competition need to get more "LIKE"
hope you all can support me =)

1st go
to like it

after that,go!/photo.php?fbid=156277634435746&set=a.154980131232163.35679.142146675848842&type=1&pid=373816&id=142146675848842
to like it

thanks so so much =)

朋友,我需要大家的帮忙 =)
希望大家能支持我 =)



谢谢大家 =)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Work Work Work =)

Last few months i really too free already =.= untill i do something stupid to hurt the ppl beside me. But i'm lucky cause i got few of friend is beside me and care me let me AWAKE~!!!!! Haha...anyway i'm too free already cause before at school i'm super OH NO everyday at home at church at home at church~!!ARGGGGGG..... Crazy oh @.@

Haha but now i found a job haha be CASHER, at city mall haha.....i'm so happy cause can be back myself but not the DEVIL NG YEN FONG what also think too much,want to control everything haha yea~!!!! i'm AWAKE GUYS~!!! =) now got thing to do i will be better haha...

27th of Apr i will start working haha....anyway my DEAR friend can find me to having your lunch haha =) if not i think i will be bored at there too haha....

Friends i'm back~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011


今年的我,好像在不停的欢送朋友离开。有的说,我要去那里读书,我要去这里读书。朋友一个一个地走了。送朋友离开的感觉真的很不舒服,说实在,我真的很讨厌这种感觉=( 但是我必须提醒自己一句话:人有悲欢离合。就算再不舍,也得向新的里程碑前进,因为这就是人生。


当我听到这消息时,就让我想起2009年听到Connie车祸时那样,虽然这次这个朋友并不是很熟,但是,也算是认识一场。今年,他才22歲,我还记得,上次遇到他时还好好的。没想到,再次看到他时就是在报章上当场死亡的文章。新闻报道,他是在昨晚和朋友去派对时,在U TURN 时,发生车祸的,我看到报章上的照片,真的撞得很严重,我朋友被车撞到时,如果没錯是刺到脸和眼睛,死相真的很恐怖 =(



好好的去爱吧,学习更多的去爱身边的人 =)

Continue Study? =(

Just now when my parents discuss about my study, they quarrel already my mum choose A my dad choose B haiz....=( suddenly feel that,if i don study maybe is the best choice.Emmm,haiz =( what should i do now,i'm confuse matter how i will work 1st =(.....

Today just go suria DIGI and leave my number and wait for thier call,hope really can work 1st =( i'm already feel very tired to think where should i study....

Should i GIVE UP =( don't study anymore??MAYBE

Friday, April 8, 2011

Should i work??

Hei guys give me some comment here =(....should i work?? I mean before i go Kuching...Cause i want to earn some money to buy something before go Kuching...LIKE: a LAPTOP, a CAMERA,a JACKET,a NEW contact LENS,1 or 2 NEW school shoe....ARGGGG!!!Should i work??? =( erm if i earn money can increase my pocket money too..

But i'm worry sometime >.< cause now i'm not enough one year after my operation...Haiz how leh how leh??? =( MY LORD TEACH ME ,PLEASE~~ and help me much in my economy hehe....BLESS me like last time when i need you in my OPERATION FEES =) BLESS ME MORE MORE MORE!!!

UCSI i'm coming =)

Haha i just finish fill out UCSI's application FORM...Feel excited oh haha....

Kelly Ng get ready for your NEW LIFE haha =D

GAMBATEH!!!! haha

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Aiks == !!!!!!

Aiks i'm super moody now, Argggggggggg! Haiz what a MOODY day~!!!! why why why == what shoud i do!!!!!! MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate this feeling lah.......AIKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! T.T please lah i hate this feeling, LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I HOPE I CAN SHOUT IT OUT!!!!!!!!! Argggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T......

Tension? Excited? Fear?

Many of my friend tell me: Aiyo,still early now just still got few months in kk. But actually i feel the time past so so fast,feel like yesterday just celebrate Chinese New Year =D Don't why feel like tension,cause i will live kk and going to place that i not familiar to study i don't how was the UNI life, how was the life without family, my best friend. but this should be a chance to learn independence. But the way i still have YOU beside me, won't let me feel alone hehe =) Excited?Yea i'm excited haha =D hope that my uni life will more substantial. GOD bless me with your wisdom, have excellent result in UNI! Thanks LORD =) All the best for me haha =)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Learn Something new

Production By LonnyPang

I'm blogging again haha...just back from LINTAS YOYO yam cha with LONNY. Haha,firstly thanks for the ALBUM =) i LIKE it so so much..! WAO...i really learn many thing from you lah, what a show need it , how to run a successful event .It was a big learning =) Haha... thanks for just now share so many with me. Anyways next time yam cha again with ah DEE too, after he recover lah =)

Guys wanna know this guys more ,come here...

He is a nice photographer, also a good musician =)

My Dear Friends MISS you all so much =D

Clinton,Alvin,Yee,Melvin,Jia Ying,Mic (Mei Mei),Tiara & Xin Yee(Debbie).Hei Bro & Sis,miss you all lah =) in this year almost all of us will leave kk,just leave Melvin,Jia Ying,Tiara and Xin Yee will continue thier study at here.Suddenly miss the moment we CRAZY together,SING together,PLAY together,but now this chance will be decrease, cause we all gonna start to planning for our future, studyhard in our college or university, anyways i think some of you sometime will smile alone, inside your ROOM,your LIVING ROOM,your TOILET or anywhere haha... cause we have think that our secondary school life are so HAPPY, so CRAZY,so FUNNY and WONDERFUL!

Hei guys =) before Alvin and Yee, we hang out together ya.

Keep in touch guys....!

All the BEST for your future =)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finally i meet HER =)

She is my Sister Ann Angelie =)
we have SMS,MSN,Facebook,Friendster for around 3 years
Wao now finally we meet haha...Her voice very cute lah haha,and talk active like me =)
that's why we can talk so much and so long in SMS,MSN,Facebook,Friendster hehe.
Now she at Labuan with her friend POWLING 8th of Apr she will come KK again..
Yea,we can hang out again =) haha miss you my Dear,i'm waiting for you...

Take Care =)

星期日早堂 4月3日

哈哈,太困了。是应该拍拍照、提提神 =)

Monday, April 4, 2011

星期六的晚上 4月2号

上个星期六,是我带祷告会。哇,超紧张的!还好不会很差啦 =)
哈哈,感谢主,让我成长更多 =)


各位,晚安 =)

Last Decision UCSI,Kuching Sarawak

Yeah, thanks GOD finally my mummy, daddy approve
and let me go the university i want!
Quite long already i hope that can study in this university,NOW i can go there UCSI!
Haha, September intake and i will go there around end of August.
Maybe can't celebrate my Dear Sister NICOLE TIU's birthday =(
Sorry my Dear...anyways after i go Kuching i miss you all my dear friend =)
actually i'm dismay all my family,friends and everything at here,
but i should plan for my future too, so i should leave....
First time leave KK alone lah...may GOD bless me...
I know i will have new challenge for my new study =D

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Which School? I'm blur again...

Oh my GOD,i'm blur again @.@
-ATI College Sabah
-UCSI University Sarawak
- TAR College Sabah

Actually firstly i want go Kuching to study,but my parent was not so like it =(
now i should pray more and see that can go Kuching or not...
My Lord help me please~

Friday, April 1, 2011




看看我SPM的成绩,觉得好烂哦 =(
哇,听到这句话时,超感动的啦,老哥 =) 谢谢你,我一定会努力的!

超期待的,不知道会是怎样 =) 我一定要好好督促自己了!


加油!! =)


嗨嗨,我又写部落格了 =)


希望你可以玩的尽兴,好好的放自己3天假期。 =)

好好照顾自己,我爱你 =)