"DarkShadowS" that's a funny and cute movie for me. Still remember the day i hang out with my darling Lee Ling :D we planning watching movie together at SPRING MBO but have no idea for watching any movie... just suddenly think that got some of my friend telling me this movie quite nice, so we had decided to watch the movie DARKShadows. After we had bought the ticket on 8.30pm and my popcorn we're looking forward to the cinema. Well i do not regret it to watch this movie, cause it is so funny, meaningful, and special! :D The Character in the movie are so professional, specially BarnaBas Collins ! Oh no i LOVE him, haha he was amazing, he was cute, funny, hahaha i keep laughing when heard the word he said xD. And Angelique she's so beautiful ! haha although she is a bad women in the movie but actually she just love a wrong person at last destroy her whole life.
Anyway do you guys feel that i'm finish watching this movie on the day?? haha actually no!! when we watch until 9 something, the screen suddenly become dark and not working at all -.- and everyone sitting inside the cinema chit chat, playing phone, eating , and some of the going to toilet, and me and ling?? haha two of us just feel funny and this is our first time while we're watching movie till the half suddenly the screen of theater had no image, really an unforgettable experience haha xD So did you see the photo ? haha yup we're taking photo in the dark theater, LOL we should be worry about that can we continue watch the movie right? xD but we're not hahah.
After 10 minute....
Still waiting...
After 20 minute....
the staff ask that us leave the cinema...i feel so weird lah so i just go and the ask staff and said that where we go now... can i finish watch the movie but not return money for me -.- LOL i'm watching the most exciting part!! i want to continue pleaseee... at last we go the counter and take back money, what can we do?! See, around 70++ people inside the cinema i think, everyone line up and waiting to return the ticket!
Haha after that we just go TAROT cafe to have a drinks and chit chat over there untill 12++something, just going back home... Well actually the day i'm coming out with a very downnnn mood, but thanks for accompany me my dear -LEE LING, feel so warm because of the concern from you... LOVE you :D
Haha i know my english writing is poor xD
but i'm still learning... still got a lot to improve haha...
By Kelly Yen Fang