Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Well, Now is 11.45pm...I had just finish reading my Marketing Notes for SIX chapter...because i'm having my first QUIZ on coming thursday!! Arggg seriously i'm not so like it -.- feel that's hard to memorize , and not really understand what it's mean T.T wuuuuhuuuuu ,anyone help me pleaseeee...


Chapter One-
What is Marketing?
: Production and marketing together create utility.

Chapter Two-
Strategic Planning and the Marketing process
:Strategic planning Process of determining an organization's primary objectives and adopting courses of action that will achieve these objectives.

Chapter Three-
The Marketing Environment,Ethics,& Social Responsibility
:TARGET MARKET -> Promotion,Product,Distribution,Pricing -> Technological,Social-Cultural Environment,Competitive Environment,Political-Legal Environment, Economic Environment

Chapter Four-
E-Business in Contemporary Marketing
:E-Business Firm that targets customers by collecting and analyzing business information ,conducting customer transactions,and maintaining online relationship with customers.

Chapter Five-
Consumer Behavior
:Consumer behavior Process through which buyers make decisions.

Chapter Six-
Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketing
:Business-to-Business(B2B) market is significantly larger than the consumer market.

This is the Six chapter i have to memorize it!!! Maybe because of last year stop study for whole year, so feel that forget everything i had learn before...

But the way i just can say GOOD LUCK to myself!! And do revision on tomorrow, AGAIN...

Good Night Everyone :)

By Kelly Yen Fang

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