Last night I cant even sleep well the whole just because of today!! Well I think now you should ask me why? haha today is my FIRST day host the Wings Radio Chinese Section at campus, the whole night I keep thinking what should I talk about, although I'm already finish prepare all the song that i got to play on this afternoon but I'm just feel very nervous and excited haha!
Ta-Dang here is the PA system first time I use it. *please forgive I'm just too excited,it is quite fun to be a DJ :p
Since I'm in semester 2 I'm start to think that wanna join the crew of Wings Radio, but just feel that shy and scare that cant do it well blablabla...but this semester 4 I had decide, never wait for chance but should find the chance for yourself, that's why I'm here today, first try, learn more, get more experience!
Okie I think that's all for Wings Radio today, but the way I got to thanks my lecture Mr.Kevin giving me the chance to be crew also, I will do my best, and learn more :)
Wings Radio
(Chinese Section)
LimKokWing Borneo
Every Tuesday & Thursday
Host by KELLY
Wings Radio Chinese Section will be host by me—— Kelly,
every Tuesday & Thursday 12pm till 1pm
Please do list down the song you wish to play on next time on my facebook page
将会由我——凯莉在Wings Radio中文广播,播放你喜爱的歌曲。
every Tuesday & Thursday 12pm till 1pm
Please do list down the song you wish to play on next time on my facebook page
将会由我——凯莉在Wings Radio中文广播,播放你喜爱的歌曲。
My Page
By Kelly Yen Fang