I think most of the people would like holiday right? but for me I'm not really like holiday like just for 2 or 3 days. You know why? Because everytime when I'm in trouble and the date sure is some public holiday like 1st of May, or this 2 days. Although I want to go hospital for emergency check out, there are a notice said that it is public holiday. Argg why am I so unlucky during holiday.
But the way the only good thing happen on my holiday is my housemate is holiday too! Haha... so that he can bring me out to shopping. Last night was done a stupid thing while I was cleaning my contact lens, I dropped my new contact lens that is just wear about 3 days into the washbasin! sound stupid right -.- I just wear it 3rd times last night T.T So today gonna go and buy another new lens ♥ , well where I bought my lens? sure going the shop I trust on, that is_________da-tang ! Larti Eye Shop at One Jaya Kuching, that is a Online shop, also have their on shop at One Jaya Shopping Mall 1st floor.
This time I had bought two different type contact lens from Larti, have a new try :)
this 15.5mm's violet lens
and this is 3 tones 16mm's brown lens
Both also my 1st try... haha now is lazy to change contact lens, wearing spec at home :p
anyway, Happy holiday everyone specially to Malay friends :)
By Kelly Yen Fang
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