Thursday, June 14, 2012

Information Technology Revision(Network topology)

Network topology
Is a group of interconnected computer to share and communicate with a server and others computer on the network and it also refers to the configuration or physical arrangement of devices in a network.
Is a group of interconnected computer to share and communicate with a server and others computer on the network and it also refers to the configuration or physical arrangement of devices in a network.

Star topology
A star topology is designed with each node connected directly to central network hub or concentrator
A star topology is designed with each node connected directly to central network hub or concentrator

Bus topology 
A liner bus topology consists of a  main run of cable with a terminator at each end, all nodes are connected to the liner cable. Ethernet and local talk network use liner bus topology.
A liner bus topology consists of a main run of cable with a terminator at each end , all nodes are connected to the liner cable. Ethernet and local talk network use liner bus topology.

Ring topology 
Each computer in the ring examines all message, passes them on if they are not the destination node. If no computer accepts a message , it return to the sender, which removes it from the ring.
Each computer in the ring examines all message , passes them on if they are not the destination node , If no computer accepts a message, it return to the sender, which removes it from the ring.

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