Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Marketing Revision (Section C)

Type of media used and advertising (advantages / disadvantages)

Broadcast television
-Extensive coverage,repetition,flexibility,prestige
-Extensive coverage, repetition flexibility, prestige

-high cost, brief message, limited segmentation
-high cost, brief message, limited segmentation

Cable television
-same strength as network TV, less market coverage because not every viewer is a cable subscriber
-same strength as network TV, less market coverage because not every viewer is a cable subscriber

-same disadvantage as network TV, although cable TV ads are targeted to considerably more specific viewer segment
-same disadvantage as network TV, although cable TV ads are targeted to considerably more specific viewer segment.

-Immediacy,low cost, flexibility segmented audience, mobility
-Immediacy, low cost, flexibility segmented audience, mobility

-Brief message, highly fragmented audience
-Brief message, highly fragmented audience

-tailored to individual communities,ability to refer back to ads
-tailored to individual communities,ability to refer back the ads

-limited life
-limited life

Direct mail
-selectivity,intense coverage, speed flexibility, opportunity to convey complete information, personalization
-selectivity,intense coverage,speed flexibility, opportunity to convey complete information,personalization

-high cost, consumer resistance,dependence on effective mailing first
-high cost, consumer resistance,dependence on effective mailing first

consumer business
-selectivity,quality image reproduction, long life,prestige
-selectivity,quality image reproduction, long life,prestige

-flexibility is limited
-flexibility is limited

(out of home)
-quick, visual communications, of simple idea, link to local goods and services, repetition
-quick, visual communications ,of simple idea , link to local goods and services, repetition.

-brief exposure, environmental concerns
-brief exposure, environmental concerns

-two way communications, flexibility, link to self- directed entertainment
-two way communication, flexibility, link to self directed entertainment

-poor image reproduction,limited scheduling options,difficult to measure effectiveness
-poor image reproduction, limited scheduling options,difficult to measure effectiveness


By Kelly.

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